Thursday, February 20, 2014

Women's Fiction E-Books - Free on Amazon

Hi folks!!!!  Here are my free e-books for today (Thursday, February 20th, 2014) and tomorrow.  PLEASE be sure to download you free copies and tell you friends.  Thanks!!

The Song of the Sleeping Grass is a women's fiction/romance novel.  It is about a woman named Becky Medina, who does everything right by her soldier husband.  She tends his home, loves him, and waits for him.  However, a traumatic event in battle caused her husband to see comfort in the arms of a female soldier.  The discovery of this devastates Becky, but she fights to save her marriage.  Unfortunately, it is a battle that this soldier's wife cannot win.  So, she painfully removes herself from the married life she built around her soon-to-be ex-husband and re-enters civilian and single life.  But before she fully reintegrates herself into her new world, she decides to go to Scotland on a long-postponed adventure, which is where she meets Robbie, an adventure guide who has some healing of his own to undergo.  Find out what happens next in:

Joppa Park is a women's fiction/suspense/romance novella about a probationary park ranger by the name of Kimberly Peters.  Kim is trying hard to make Joppa National Park's probationary job a permanent one.  However, her dual major in law enforcement and forestry is causing her a bit of turmoil, as the local police department has enlisted her expertise in finding a kidnapping/stalking subject (something she has experience with); her law enforcement work with the police department almost directly violates with the rules of being a park ranger.  She is warned that if she continues to pursue the case, that she might lose position at park (and the affection of a park ranger she has fallen in love with).  What will Kim win?  What will she lose?  Find out in:

Summation of Love is a fiction/suspense/romance novella about two scientists: Dr. Samuel Turner and his assistant Laura Reynolds.  They travel around the country in a Winnebago, doing work for universities, conservancies, and cable TV shows. Their personalities complement each other quite well; Dr. Samuel Turner is a handsome, burly fellow who likes to stick to the rule books when it comes to research and projects; his assistant, Laura Reynolds is a beautiful (but socially inept) biologist who doesn't mind pushing the envelope a bit in order to find the truth among the known (and unknown) creatures that surround us. So what happens when two smart, very attractive people work together in a very small place for a long period of time? Well, you don't need to be a scientist or a biologist to figure that out! The conflict arises when things change between the scientists. One of the two is scared of change and the other is not. One of them wants to go after a Cryptozoological creature that has been dubbed the "Super Salamander" and the other does not. One of them wants something that the other one is terrified to give. Does the other party relent? Do they both miss out on love? Find out in:

Nice Shootin', Tex! is a women's fiction/contemporary western/romance novel about Lauren McCoy - a beautiful smart, artistic, sweet, hardworking, sharp-shooting cowgirl of a woman who is feeling the urge to leave her daddy's farm and strike out on her own to make a life for herself, and hopefully find love too. 

The catalyst for change in her life is cable TV show shooting contest that her brother enters her into. Defying her father and going further away from home than she ever has before, she goes on to show the world (and a very sexy TV show host) just how good a shot she is. 

However, there is more to winning at shooting and winning at love than meets the eye. Lauren learns that even though she can't win at everything, she is still triumphant because she has a home full of love to come home to, and a happy future she could not predict.  Find out what happens in:

So, those are the books!  Please be sure to go to Amazon to download your free copies, and please, tell your friends!

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