Monday, January 6, 2014

How To Write A Book

I recently had a friend ask me how it is that you "write an e-book."  Well, an e-book is still a book, was my first answer (which I didn't say), but told her to simply get started on Microsoft Word, or whatever kind of word processing software your computer might have (but I do recommend Word, as all of the ebook retailers accept Word docs more readily than others). 

But how do you "start" writing a book?  Do you open a Word document, title it "book" and start writing?  In a word: yes.  Start typing.

Do you want to know a secret?  I wrote Rescued by the Wolf: Book One of the Wolves in sections.  I wrote the first part first, the fourth part second, the third part third, the second part fourth, and the final part at the end.  Why?  Because I had specific scenes in mind that I could not wait to get to.  Sure, the rhythm was slightly off once I merged the sections together, but it was simple to make the corrections to fix that. 

You can use an outline if you want to.  Personally, I never have.  But who knows?  I might do that someday.  What you have to do is find a starting point that works for you. 

Your first sentence might suck.  So might your second.  But you know what?  That's okay!  Keep writing, as your first attempt is a rough draft (which you can edit and fix).  The point is to get your story on paper.  With your dedication and commitment, your characters will come to life and will give you direction; your story will excite you (and might change) and will feed your fire to continue writing. 

The best time to get started is NOW.  So do it!

Cyndia Rios-Myers

(For more information on writing, read my blog post for more info. 

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