Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Link That's Made Me Think

My Kind of Heroine

I Think.  I'm Going to Work On It.

Jeff Gerke wrote a great article for Writer's Digest on how to introduce your hero (or heroine). He says that a good move is to have a small stand-alone story, or scene to introduce your heroine.  

I've come up with another bad @ss heroine.  My prior introduction to her had her performing a very mundane task for the company she worked for.  But because I read the article above, I think that I am going to start the book with the "action scene" that's meant to fuel the action in that first book.  I'm hoping to sell my readers on my heroine's characteristics before I get to the middle part of the book.  

But now, I'm wondering about balance.  If I start the novel with a lot of action, should its middle part be calm, and the end be about more action?  Or is a novel with a slow build the way to go?  

Okay, so you are probably wondering what this novel is going to be about.  I'm going to give you a hint:

That might not be much to go on, I know.  I hope you understand my need for secrecy.  A writer's gotta protect their intellectual property, you know.

Until the next!

Cyndia Rios-Myers

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