Saturday, February 22, 2014

Where to Find Me/Inspiration and Humor

I've stumbled on the most impressive things these past couple of days.  My husband purchased an antique trunk from a lovely woman of Rancho Peñasquitos (still San Diego).  Also for sale was a large file cabinet (which I need for homeschooling supplies, writing supplies, and some of my kid's toys) and a lovely painting, too:

This lovely painting reproduction is called Village Wedding by Sir Samuel Luke Fildes.  I am smitten with this $5 find!
We will hang this beauty up in the guest bedroom.  I do enjoy looking at it.  It reminds me of British period pieces and BBC shows, too.

This morning, we decided to go on a walk to the grocery store instead of driving.  Very stimulating.

Yes.  California weather is awesome.  I will pain me to leave it one day, which we might have to do.

But I also enjoy horsing around a bit:

Where can you find me?  Why, in the Hispanic food aisle of your local grocery store!  (Actually, you'd have better luck finding me in the produce section, the bakery, or the refrigerated beer section).

In any case, have a good laugh, read a good book, or find something inspirational to do this weekend!

Cyndia Rios-Myers

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