Thanks to everyone who downloaded Rescued by the Wolf, Book One of the Wolves during the free download days I had last weekend. A bigger thanks goes to everyone who has purchased the following books in the series. Yay Canada, by the way!! (I usually sell well here in America and the U.K., but not so much Canada. That has changed (just a bit) thanks to the free promo.
Now onto the title of this blog post. Why am I talking about Jennifer Bauer? (Those who have gotten past Book Two (Gifted by the Wolf) know just who Jennifer Bauer is.
I have to disclose the name of Jennifer Bauer, because someone very close to me spilled the beans regarding sequels to The Wolves series of novellas.
There will be two novel-length (see, I wasn't lying about there being no more installments of novellas to the series) sequels to The Wolves. The first of which will be called: (I can italicize this now, which is kind of exciting!) Jennifer Bauer. This will be her story, and not that of Lana and Jorgen.
What will the second one be called? Clara Bauer. Again, it will be her story, although you will be able to understand what goes on in the lives of Jorgen and Lana as Clara and Jennifer tell their stories.
You will understand the end ,too, as the series will definitely conclude after Clara Bauer.
To be honest, I flirted with the idea of writing a prequel about Jorgen, which would have been titled: The Wolf, but I don't know that I need to. Also, prequels never get around to telling what happens after the previous installment (which is really what readers want). Although, I reserve the right to change my mind about that prequel!
Thanks for reading!
Cyndia Rios-Myers
P.S. Oh. Some of you might be wondering about a release date for Jennifer Bauer. Okay. I will share that. January 2014 will be the release date of that. Thanks again!!
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