Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are Werewolves Real? Post

I love to read great sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal novels.  Carrie Vaughn, Stephenie Meyer, Paticia Briggs...they are awesome writers, and I consume their novels as soon as they are available for my Nook.

I sometimes read the blogs of fellow werewolf writers.  Sometimes, they answer the question: "Are Werewolves Real?"  So, I thought I would answer that question.

No.  They are not real.  At least, I don't think that they are real.  But then again, you have to take that answer with a grain of salt, as I do believe that Bigfoot exists. 

But I think that my novellas are more in the vein of Women's Fiction novels, because I like to write about true-to-life dilemmas. 

So, I have my own real questions.  Such as, "Why do some women (and men) stay in situations or relationships that are truly hurting them?"  Also, "Why don't people realize that they get one life?  Why do they let the days pass by while they are in unhappy situations?" 

Sadly, I don't always get the answers to those questions.  I have tried to answer them in my own life, though.  I joined the Navy when I was 17.  I did a drastic thing to get away from a bad man.  I mustered the courage to heed the call of a voice telling me to introduce myself to a certain guy 12 years ago (he is currently spackling the baseboard in our hallway).  I was able to hold myself up and be strong for my daughter, who passed away years ago.  I became an awesome swimmer.  I went to college.  I started my own business (and closed it too).  I started writing fiction and self-published (I'll let you know how that goes). 

Truth be told, I wasn't alway successful in my ventures in...adventure, but I always tried.  I always got something out of that scary, unknown. 

I just hope that everyone else finds the courage to do that - to do the thing (whatever it is) that they want to do, but are terrified of. 

So...I'm sorry if I am not giving you answers on werewolves.  But if they did exist, I am pretty sure that they would have the same questions about life that we do.  I do hope that they find their answers though (and that you do too).

Cyndia Rios-Myers

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